Do Other Countries Care About Fair Trade Apparel?
This week, we're excited to hand over the blog to one of our Summer Apprentices, Kimberly:
In light of this week’s ICARE campaign taking place in Luxembourg, let’s take a moment to address how significant Fair Trade products are to consumers in countries other than the United States.
Although a relatively recent phenomenon, Fair Trade practices are widely recognized as fundamental to poverty reduction and encouraging sustainable development. But how accessible are such products around the world?
Most people identify the term with coffee, chocolate, or produce. Throughout the EU, supermarkets typically have an aisle dedicated to Fair Trade certified products of many varieties. In Luxembourg, they host regular promotional events, city rallies, general assemblies for government officials, charity runs, and even certify villages and schools with a Fair Trade label.
Sounds pretty good for such a small country, right? Yes, of course. But the trend that irks me is that apparel, such as clothing and handbags, are rarely, if ever, a part of the discussion. At best, you may be able to find Fair Trade textiles at an exposition once a year. As far as being able to purchase a finished, fashionable, and affordable item that adheres to ethical standards in Luxembourg, you are pretty much out of luck. Your best bet is ordering from a North American or British brand and soaking up the outrageous delivery fees.
To me, this shortcoming is a huge problem and a missed opportunity for a country that otherwise does so much to improve the state of the world. It’s obvious that the demand for equality is prominent and that not just activists, but every day consumers are eager to do their part in making responsible choices. Fashion and Fair Trade are two thriving industries in Luxembourg yet somehow it seems that no one has joined them as one.
This is the purpose of our ICARE campaign running this week in Luxembourg: to spread awareness and create opportunity for more of us to participate in the movement we hold so close to our hearts, without having to jump through hoops.
Visit to purchase one of our best selling handbags and have it hand delivered on Sunday, July 26th!
If you would like to see more Fair Trade fashion items in Luxembourg, please share this post or comment below!