Spring Inspires!

Indian Block PrintingWe're a few months away from celebrating our first year of business and already I am feeling so very blessed! I have met so many interesting people, have been stretched in more ways that I'd care to recount, and we're already launching a new website design! (P.S. - what do you think?!)

My hope, as always, is that this will allow us to help create more jobs for the amazing artisans who partner with our wonderful wholesalers. We're actively searching for other wholesalers we can support by connecting a market to their coops and vocational training centers to help expand their reach to help more families have the opportunity to support themselves. 

So now I have to ask, what would you like to see more of? Let's talk colors, patterns, shapes, trends. The color mint. I'm looking into expanding into more of a designer role with a few new wholesaler prospects so that I can better serve you, the faithful customer. 

Feel free to direct any comments on our Facebook page!

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