A Layman's Guide to Choosing the Perfect Handbag

I believe that there are many components to making responsible purchases. The one we talk about the most around here is looking into how items are made and with what materials. Another thing I think it important when making a purchase is how you choose which item to buy.

Items that we love tend to get used more and help us reduce the number of things that we do purchase. For example, the tank top that I bought that was on sale, but wasn't really my style will sit in my drawer taking up precious space and I'll probably end up purchasing another tank top that I do love (assuming that I needed another tank top - which in Austin in the summers is a good assumption!) 

Gray Mod Wallet

Here are my tips on choosing the perfect handbag so that it's exactly the one that you want and it will have  a long, fashionable life:


What are you drawn to? 

What is your gut saying? Is there one bag that you keep gravitating to, but think you should want a different one? If you walk around the store or continue to browse the internet, are you still thinking about the bag? Then that's the one for you. 


What do you already have? 

Is your closet brimming with gray clutches? Is everything you buy chevron print? Do you have four across the shoulder bags and are eyeing another? If you already have something (or several somethings!) similar, skip it unless you're willing to donate the similar items to make room for a replacement. 


What do you find yourself noticing that you're missing? 

Maybe it's you always using a recycled shopping bag for your laptop or you can't ever find your keys and phone in the bottom of your big bag and could use a little clutch to help organize. Be conscious of what would make your life easier and vow to only buy that thing that you need. 


What colors and prints dominate your current wardrobe? 

If you typically wear black or neutrals, a bright handbag would match with the majority of what you already own. If the majority of the pants that you own are bold florals and oversized prints, perhaps a solid neutral handbag would best compliment your outfit. Whatever colors and prints are the majority of your wardrobe, buy the opposite in your handbag to get the most wear. 


Not sure if you're a clutch gal? 

Start with a wristlet. It's an easy way to keep track of your clutch (since it's securely around your wrist!) and you can try it out and see if it's a good fit. If it's not and your constantly returning to restaurants to grab your belongings, throw that adorable wristlet into your computer bag and pack it full of business cards to distribute with ease and style. 


What tends to catch your eye of what other women are wearing? 

When you're out and about, make it a point to notice which women have a similar style to yours (or the style you wish you had!) and see what they're carrying. Do they tend to have smaller bags? Bigger prints? Geometric patterns? Neutral colors? Or peruse through a few fashion blogger websites and let that help define your style. 


How do you know what handbag is your style?
What's the last bag you bought that you really loved and how did you know before you bought it that it was your handbag soulmate? 

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