Live at the Moody Theater - Juanes!
A few weeks ago a friend of mine casually mentioned that he had just won a pair of tickets see Juanes at the ACL Taping at the Moody Theater. My eyes got as big as saucers as I recounted the delightful memories of my summer spent in Cochabamba, Bolivia, singing Juanes in taxis and listening to his cds we'd found very reasonably priced along the side of the street piled high on a boldly colored blanket.
Since I was clearly his most enthusiastic friend, he kindly invited me to tag along.
What a concert!
Juanes not only brought out the old favorites (La Camisa Negra, A Dios le Pido, and even Fotografia!) but had such a contagious energy about him that even the most dullard audience members were swaying in their seats and noticing their shoulders moving to the rhythm.
I left encouraged with a face sore from smiling.
As I continued to reflect - beyond nostalgia, I believe that my encouragement came from a deeper place of remembrance.
I was reminded why I started Purse & Clutch in the first place -
to find a way to serve men and women in extreme poverty all over the world while living in the States. At the stage of life that I'm currently in, living in lovely Austin, Texas, is exactly where I'm supposed to be although my heart is still full of countless examples of poverty that will always be in the back of my mind.
And my hope is that in Purse & Clutch, I'm able to pass on the ability to serve those who are struggling with limited opportunities, to you.
I think we all need those refreshing reminded of why we do what we do - mine just came in the form of a Colombian pop artist who, turns out is actually super, super talented!
Have you had a similar experience where an event or a friend - out of the blue - has ended up helping you remember why you do what you do day in and day out? I'd love to hear your stories!!