Meet Jordan - Our Fabulous Summer Intern
Where were you born & where do you call home?
I was born in Phoenix, Arizona. I moved to Oklahoma in middle school and would definitely consider myself an Oklahoman. I wouldn’t deem the landscape beautiful or unique by any means, but the people in Oklahoma are fantastic and I wouldn’t trade my experience growing up there for anything.
Who are some of your fashion icons?
I am definitely a blog follower and find inspiration watching interesting women communicate their lives and good fashion sense via the Internet. My favorite blogger is Weslie at Although my 12-year-old self might say Posh Spice was her fashion icon, I currently have no celebrity that I look to. With the pinterest phenomenon, who needs fashion magazines these days?
Why are you interested in Fair Trade Fashion?
After writing multiple research papers in high school and college over sweatshops it is very near and dear to my heart to see that equality amongst artisans be brought to the forefront of the fashion industry. There is no reason why workers have to be taken advantage of just so we can sport the latest fashion trend.
What countries have you visited? Which was your favorite & why?
I have visited Mexico, Jamaica, Germany, Poland, Panama, and South Africa. I would have to say that Panama was my absolute favorite. Living, and doing life with people who have an entirely different culture and viewpoint is such a beautiful and educational experience. It challenges everything you believe about yourself and about the world. My traveling experiences have really helped to shape me into the person that I am.
What have you enjoyed most about interning at P&C so far?
So far I have thoroughly enjoyed my time at P&C. Learning the business side of things has been really fun and educational. Observing different marketing strategies has made me think of things in a whole new light and has honestly been my favorite part. I still have a month and a half left and I can’t wait to see what else this summer has to hold.
What are your plans after you graduate?
This is the hardest yet most common question of all. I honestly have no idea. I’m trying my best to nail down a career path, but my passions have not yet proven to be moneymakers. I love to travel and I want some kind of job that has a lasting impact on people’s lives. I have considered the Peace Corps, or the World Race, or trying my hand in the business world. I have no real family ties to Oklahoma any more so that leaves my options pretty wide open. I will be open to any and all opportunities that present themselves to me, be it in Indonesia or Illinois.
Follow Jordan on Instagram @JoHarsh