The Ultimate Guide to Ethical Manufacturing, coming soon!
In the last few months, I've been getting one question over & over again.
"I've had this idea for a product for years, but I have no idea where to start getting it produced. Where to I begin?"
One meeting, I was so excited to chat about ethical production that I was late picking up for three year old from preschool for the first time EVER.
So I started writing down my thoughts & realized I had enough experience over the last 12+ years of running Purse & Clutch to really help people make their ideas a reality while staying true to my mission with Purse & Clutch of supporting fair, living wage employment for artisans around the world.
I'm still finalizing all the details of my new From Sketch to Product course, but wanted to give you a chance to be on the waitlist to be the first to know when it launches. I'm dreaming up a fun Early Bird bonus, but haven't quite decided on it just yet : )
Or maybe you know someone who has always dreamed of designing their own merch for their coffee shop or swag for their event or clothing line.
If you do, will you send this their way?
I'd love to walk them through step by step of the process starting with finding the right production partner all the way through to submitting that first purchase order.